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Previous Patriarchs

THEOPHILOS (385-412)

       He fought against the pagans, the Arians and the Anthropomorphists, supported by Emperor Theodosius. He unjustly turned against the monks of Nitria, particularly Dioscurus, Ammonius, Eusebius and Euthymius, as well as against St John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople.


      He excelled in the struggle against the Arian erroneous beliefs. He participated in the 2nd Ecumenical Council. He distinguished himself for his philanthropic activities.

PETROS II (373-381)

       He was a comrade of  Athanasios the Great. He endured dreadful suffering by the followers of Arius.

ATHANASIOS I the GREAT (328-373)

      The most prominent defender of the Church during the 4th century. He participated in the 1st Ecumenical Council as the accompanying Deacon of Archbishop Alexandros I, where he distinguished himself on his theological grounding. Following the death of Alexander I he was elected Archbishop of Alexandria. He was slandered by the followers of Arius and was exiled three times. He fought vigorously for the Orthodox faith and is honoured as a Saint of the Church.

ALEXANDER I (313-328)

         He confronted the heresy of Arian, convening a local Synod of 100 Bishops in Egypt, which condemned the leader of the heresy. However, the very quick spreading of the heresy resulted in the convening of the 1St Ecumenical Synod. He is honoured as a Saint of the Church.

ACHILLAS (311-313)

           He directed the Catechetical School of Alexandria, defending the teachings of Orthodoxy.

PETROS I (300-311)

    Three years after his elevation to the Archbishopric Throne of Alexandria the Emperor Galerius’ cruel persecution broke out, during which he died as a Martyr. He is honoured as a Saint of the Church.

THEONAS (282-300)

          Eusebius the Historian calls him a “pillar of the Church”.

MAXIMUS (265-282)

        He participated in the Synod of Antioch against the teachings of Paul Samosatos.

DIONYSIOS (248-264)

        He was the director of the Alexandrian Catechetical School. He was elected Archbishop of Alexandria during the great persecution by the Emperor Decius, following which he refused return to the Church of Christians who had renounced their faith in order to avoid persecution (lapsi). His refusal resulted in the convening of a Synod in Rome for the pastoral settlement of the issue. He is honoured as a Saint of the Church.


HERAKLAS (232-248)

    A disciple of Origen and his heir as Director of the renowned Catechetical School of Alexandria. He ordained twenty Bishops. He was the first to receive the title Archbishop and Pope of Alexandria.

DIMITRIOS (189-232)

       He ordained the three first Bishops in cities of Egypt. During his Hierarchy the persecution of Christians by the Roman Emperor Sevirus broke out.

JULIAN (178-189)

        A scholar, wise and virtuous Bishop of Alexandria during the years of the reign of Kommodos.

EUMENIS (129-141)

         Also called Emenaios. He governed the Alexandrian Church during the reign of the Emperor Entoninus the Pious.

JUSTUS (118-129)

       He governed the Diocese of Alexandria during the reign of the Emperor Adrian 

PRIMUS (106-118)

     He was elected Bishop of Alexandria in the 12th year of the reign of the Emperor Traianos

KEDRON (96-106)

        He governed the Church of Alexandria during the reign of the Emperor Traianos

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