On 8th December 2016, His Beatitude Theodoros II Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa received in the Patriarchal See the visit of His Excellency Mr. Dragan Bisenic, Ambassador of the Serbian Republic to Egypt, as part of his visit to Alexandria.

During their meeting, His Beatitude the Patriarch briefed His Excellency Mr. Bisenic about the missionary work done by the Patriarchate on the African continent, emphasized the protection given by the hospitable country of Egypt to the Ancient Patriarchate, discussed with him the close relations between the two sister Churches of Alexandria and Serbia as well as other historically interesting topics.

He made mention of the excellent fraternal relations which he maintains with His Beatitude Irenaios Patriarch of the Serbs, whom he has promised to visit in Serbia after Pascha. He also mentioned that in Johannesburg and Gaborone, Sees of the Holy Metropolises of Johannesburg and Botswana respectively, there are many Serbian Orthodox Christians, which as part of its pastoral ministry, the Patriarchate of Alexandria assists spiritually. He went on to say that he will be taking the initiative, with the nediation of His Excellency the Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic in Egypt, Mr. Michael-Christos Diamessis, for a meeting between all the Orthodox Ambassadors in Egypt.

In reply, His Excellency Mr. Bisenic thanked His Beatitude for his love and the very warm welcome to and hospitality in the Patriarchate. He also spoke of the excellent realtions between the ancient Patriarchate of Alexandria dn the Patriarchate of Serbia and of the appreciation and love which the pious Serbian people have for the Patriarch. He also expressed his gratitude for the spiritual support of the Serbian Communities in Africa and in conclusion, gave His Beatitude the Patriarch a personal letter from His Excellency the President of the Serbian Republic Mr. Tomislav Nikolić as well as two books as a gift from him. In return His Beatitude gave His Excellency Mr. Bisenic a precious Byzantine icon of the Forerunner, as a gift to His Excellency the President of Serbia, for him to place in his private chapel.