Most respected Elder George “resting in the Lord”,

The blessed Triune God chose to enter you into “ageless blessedness”, in the heavenly altar, on the day on the birthday of His Church, which for many years you served faithfully and honourably. The symbolism of the day of itself witnesses much for all who didn’t know you closely.

However for me and for those who were fortunate to know you, to experience you and to discuss with you filially and fraternally “face to face”, the magnitude of the symbolisms are part of us because of the clarity of the memories and our relational connection.

The Grace of God deemed me worthy to be counted as one of the lucky ones, who during their youthful existential stirrings had his thirst quenched by the pure water of the inexhaustible source of your experiential theology and of your Levitic paternal person. As a student still at the Rizareios on my first steps. That is why today it is a duty to give through these humble words, to that “just” person, who “lives in eternity”, an enormous and lasting THANK YOU.

-Thank you, Elder, because as a traditional healer and genuine mystic of the “science of God” you bequeathed to us literary work, which is defined by its theological fullness, scientific accuracy, pastoral sensitivity; in other words, the seal of the Holy Spirit.

-Thank you, Elder, because as an illumined Levite and shepherd of the reasonable flock of the Arch Shepherd Christ, you have constantly given me – from the time of the Holy Monastery of St George of Armas and then the Athonite Holy Monastery of St Gregory – pious memories of holy services bathed in the light of the experience of the Resurrection liturgy  of the saints and righteous friends of God.

-Thank you, Elder, because as a lover of the long path of monasticism and the prayer of the heart, you shed tears of genuine repentance and love before the icon f the Most Holy Theotokos, mystically supporting these “the least” of our Lord’s brothers in the extremes of the Dark Continent, where – by the grace and tolerance of God – I have been ministering for ten years as the primate Pope and Patriarch.

-Thank you, also, Fr. George, because your pastoral agony and your well-known missionary sensitivity contributed to the sending and mission of passionate and valuable colleagues – monks, Priests and Bishops – who serve to today, having as a guide your quality characteristics.   
Now, “justified” and “at rest with the Saints” entreat extensively the Master Christ “for all afflicted and suffering souls” until he calls us “through the Resurrection of all” to the desired “life of the age to come”.

I conclude these lines of the present, but not our lasting memories, with the words you loved saying to us as a prayer for your young students:

On your behalf I am a feather, breathe on me and take me wherever you wish.