The Holy Metropolis of Kenya celebrates a half century of existence this year. The functions to celebrate this will be attended by His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, who departed on 28th May 2009, accompanied by Archimandrite Chrysostomos Barberis from the International Airport of Cairo, headed for Nairobi . His Beatitude was seen off by His Grace Nikodimos, Bishop of Nitria and Patriarchal Vicar of Cairo.

     The central point of the festivities will be the day of the Patriarchal Divine Liturgy on the Sunday of Pentecost, 7th June 2009.

     The Primate of the second throne Patriarchate will also award certificates to the final year graduates of the Orthodox Patriarchal Seminary “Archbishop Makarios III” and will also meet with State Officials.

      His Beatitude will return to the Patriarchal See on 10th June 2009.