His Eminence Gregory of Cameroon traveled to Rome to support the exclusive request which His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, passed on to the Catholic Church regarding the handing over of part of the holy relics of the founder of the Alexandrian Church, the Apostle and Evangelist St Mark, as well as that of St John the Almsgiver, Patriarch of Alexandria, for the blessing of the Christian People of the ancient Patriarchate, as a strengthening of the struggles for Orthodoxy on the African continent and of the Orthodox way of life of the newly-enlightened native brothers of Africa.
During his stay in the Italian capital, His Eminence Gregory of Cameroon will meet with the ecclesiastical agents of the Catholic Church in order that he might succeed in this justified request of the Primate of the Patriarchal Throne of Alexandria, who remains unshaken in his Orthodox faith and Holy Tradition.